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International Donations 

St Mark’s Congregation has a small International donations group that meets occasionally to decide which international charities the church should support with donations  from the congregation’s  financial giving.  We like to support charities that have a link to us at St Mark’s either in person or philosophy. As a group we support overseas charities throughout the year by running other fundraising activities, church lunches, sales and concerts. Since Covid closed down a lot of these activities we have struggled to be as effective and proactive as before and would welcome anyone who would like to join us, especially if you have a link with a charity and would like St Mark’s to support it. If you would like to join the group, help us on an occasional basis, suggest a project for us to consider, or are seeking further information, please get in touch with the facilitator of our group Dilys Noble or Shan Rush 

In 2022/2023 we have supported the following organisations across the globe 

Phaseworldwide Empowering isolated communities in Nepal through integrated programmes in Health Education and livelihoods. St Mark’s link person – Dilys Noble.

Christian Aid exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. St. Mark’s aims to further support Caid through CAid week, annual walks, church lunches, emergency appeals and donates the Church collection at certain festivals. St Mark’s link person – Dilys Noble.

Global Justice Now Challenges The Powerful to Create A More Just And Equal World. Current important campaign to Make any Covid-19 vaccine affordable for all.  St Mark’s link person – Sarah Duggan

USPG Anglican mission agency that partners churches and communities worldwide in God’s mission to enliven faith, strengthen relationships, unlock potential and champion justice. St Mark’s link person – Michael Bayley.

Reach Bwindi A small charity working in Uganda providing education, training health care projects designed to enable self sufficiency. St Mark’s  link person – Ceri Gallivan

Practical Action Puts ingenious ideas to work so people in poverty can change their world. Contact  Dilys Noble

Omid Foundation Established to help disadvantaged young Iranian women, achieve self-determination, economic self-sufficiency and reintegration into society. St Mark’s link person – Manuchehr.

SuCCoL Supports further education for individuals with the expectation of them in turn teaching younger pupils in Colombia. St Mark’s links – Dez and Jennie Martin, and Stuart Bennet

Literacy for Life A small charity in Ghana paying for staff salaries and uniforms in a small school.  St Mark’s link person – Rosie Hunt.

Care4Calais is a volunteer run charity delivering essential aid and support to refugees living in the UK, Northern France and Belgium.  We believe in a fair and tolerant British society and advocate for a welcoming and inclusive attitude towards refugees. St Mark’s  link person Manchehr

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